Anyways, so the moment. The bus continued to fill w/ more and more people crammed like sardines. People sitting in chairs, and people in the aisle on top of each other grasping for dear life. As I was standing there, on our way home from, the word froutterism, UNFORTUNATELY, popped into my head. I was cursing First Aid and how the example took place on a crowded place like a train or bus. I was praying to high heavens that this would not happen. Of all the things to remember... Luckily no harm no foul.
Other thoughts:
- Dear El Salvadoran women, how do you wear black eyeliner in this heat? I, MAYBE, put on eyeliner if I'm working in an air conditioned office. Maybe.
- Kind sir preaching about world famous leaders. Will you shut the hell up if I buy your book that features Buddha and Adolf Hitler on the same page? These people obviously are not listening and saying, las palabras de dios, may grab their attention, but they still don't want your book.
- Thank you muchacha for holding our bags in your lap while Scott and I are grasping for dear life on the bus. We do like your Guns 'n Roses tank. We wonder if you were at the same concert as the Doctor.
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