Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ohhh it’s NaLa not NaNa…

I should've known right then and there that me hearing "Nah-nah" as the name of the house dog was reaffirmation in choosing Ob/Gyn. I guess it can also mean I'm twisted and sick. Nonetheless, today I fell in love all over again.

Unbeknownst to Scott and I, we were not participating in the gastrectomy (praise Jesus!) today. Instead, Dr. Cabrera handed us over to our areas of interest. Scott to Neurology/Neurosurgeon and I in Labor & Delivery! As soon as I entered the ward, my eyes lit up and I was ready to rock-n-roll. Within 20 minutes we were rolling a mama at 30 wga (weeks gestational age) into Cuarto del expulsión No. 3. Here the women in labor are placed in this elongated hallway titled Trabajo de Parte (fancy for “Labor”). It resembles the hallways found in emergency rooms where patients are placed when all the rooms are taken. Once they are ready to empuje, they are rolled into a cuarto del expulsion. These are located in a huge room on the other side of the ward which are divided into 4 sections. So, multiple vaginal deliveries can be going on at once. Then there was a tube tying called an esterilización, then a cone biopsy of the cervix, and then I got to first assist a c-section! Love it.

One of the attending asked if I was gonna do turnos aka night-shift. I’m gonna opt for no gracias. I will definitely bring that term to the states come June and dub “night-shift” or being on call – TORturnos.

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